Good Ninja Build Bdo For No Dmg

5 min readMay 29, 2021

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edited April 2017 in PvE Discussion

Ninja build, PvE/Grinding. Can someone either write out or link me to a good PVE ninja build? Yes i know it’s free too test atm, but i don’t know what works best. This is due to either lack of scaling of damage, poor value proposition, possible skill bug, or simply lack of additional points at.

Ok first im just looking for suggestions and positive feedback and want to see what others rotations and glyph set ups are. I am not looking for a flame war or get gud crap not everyone plays the same or has the same gear. Please dont dissrespect anyone posting here cause they dont the best rotation in your opnion.
Im looking for feedback to improve my dps output to help my friends and guildmates in raids
Gear: +12 gulie 3%MW enchant(aka100%), Etchings: Gloves energyII, Weapon PowerII, Armor EnduranceII, Foot EnduranceII
Weapon Rolls
7.2cd,from behind,enrage,6%base,Enrage
Power,Crt,Attack speed
For inner and accesories i focused on power while tring to maintain at least 150crt overall
Now my rotation is as followed:
First rotation
Backstab(glyphed for powerlink dmg boost)- Overhand(glyphed for dmg boost to leaping)- Leaqping(glyphed for dmg boost)Glaive(Glyphed dmg boost )
Blood(Glyphed for ragnarok points)- Spinning(Glyphed for next few sec dmg boost)- Malestrom(Glyphed for dmg and x2 crt power and hp recovery)- Backstab(same glyph)- Shining Cresent(Glyphed for dmg).
My issue is by time i do my first shining backstab is on cd and glaive and malestorm.So I have to adjust my second rotation to keep the flow going with no pauses and no I DO NOT USE SPACEBAR AT ALL.
Second rotation if backstab isnt on cd
Backstab-overhand-leaping-goundbash-blood-spinning(sometimes theres still a 1 or 2 sec cd on spinning)-wind-dream-backstab-Rune(Glyphed for dmg and ragnarok)
Idk if its a good rotation its just what I came up with while playing at my own playstyle.I didnt include a ragnarok rotation cause i think the key to that is to get full runes up and shining spaming with the last 10 sec of ragnarok use titansbane till 5 tics and release then finial shining cresent .
Im interested to see others trotations and glyph set up and yes I know yosha did a good guide


  • edited April 2017
  • Use your priority skills first as long as you can get backtime, most skills do crap damage so i dont try to backcrit all the time, bloodflower and runeburst are highest priority since it stacks ragnarok points pretty fast.
    You should use spinning death to buff Shining and Runeburst, and backstab for Shining most cases.
    Example start rotation if you dont have stack
    1 — Maelstrom(6) > Spin (7) > Backstab > Shining x2 (2)
    2 — Bloodflower (3) > Leaping + Glaive (6) > Spin x3 (7) > Dark Herald Runeburst
    If you pre-stack, repeat 1, worth checking the Valkyrie guide on Essential Mana.
    No idea why you use Overhead, it does absolutely no damage and no rune, leaping does no damage as well, it’s just used for chaining Ground bash and Glaive strike, also no need for hp recovery (?) on maelstrom.
    Glyphs should look close to this i’d say, i’m not using titansbane power atm.
  • edited April 2017
  • @ChaosLink999
    First off, like @Imarabbitdawg said, I would recommend you to take a look at the Valkyrie guide on Essential Mana. It’s gonna solve your rotation problems more than anyone on the forums probably will (or have the time to). Now to your post.
    First rotation: Bad use of skills that stack runemarks. Maelstrom gives 6 runemarks if you cast it till the end, and Spinning Death would give you another 1, allowing you to Runeburst or Shining Crescent effectively already, so using any other skill beforehand is a waste of runemarks.
    Backstab going on cd? Then don’t start with Backstab. I always use Charge to get to the boss (and then Evade if I need to get behind it), then start my rotation.
    Second rotation: Idk if I’m missing something, but that rotation only gives 6 runemarks. You’re probably missing a Leaping Strike after Wind Slash. Also it’s a bad use of skills since Spinning Death should be prioritised at the end of the rotation to buff Runeburst and Shining Crescent.
    Issues that’re apparent in both rotations: Powerlink glyphs to Leaping Strike are very much a waste of glyph points. Your main DPS skills are Shining Crescent (50–70% total dps depending on boss movement and your own experience with skill usage) and Runeburst (20–30% total dps again dependent on factors similar to Shining Crescent), therefore your other skills are filler skills that, even with powerlink glyphs, would provide very marginal dps boost.
    With regards to @Imarabbitdawg ‘s comment, glyphing HP restoration on Maelstrom is alright, since the cooldown glyph on Spinning Death can be removed and it won’t affect the 2 main rotations that you have stated, even more so when Ragnarok is in effect.
    Personal comments: If playing with an inexperienced tank, I usually wouldn’t start with Maelstrom>Spinning>Backstab>Shining, since it would instantly rip aggro unless the tank knows when to aggro shout at the beginning of the fight. Instead, I do the normal filler rotation, which is Bloodflower>Leaping>Glaive>Wind>Leaping>Ground>Spinning>Backstab>Shining/Runeburst. This allows the tank to generate enough aggro first before I initiate a skill that deals so much dmg (and in turn aggro), preventing the boss from turning around.
    EDIT: As a general gauge of your skill lvl with Valkyrie, you should be doing upwards of 1m/s on every 410 ilvl dungeon boss (except maybe the Pony who runs in circles all the time in LKNM), provided your tank and healer are skilled enough to do their jobs right, and you dodge [filtered] that would kill you instantly/wipe the party. Why 1m/s? Because I’m in full Slaughter and can achieve such numbers with no consumables (except nostrum), no etchings, and no op brooch, so as a player in Guile you should be able to do it much easier than me.
  • On lower level dungeons, there is nothing like the maelstrom, spin, backstab, crescent opener will sure wake up the tank lol

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NinjaDeveloper(s)Evan MartinInitial release2012; 8 years ago[1]Stable releaseRepositoryWritten inC++, PythonOperating systemLinux, macOS, WindowsTypeSoftware development toolsLicenseApache License 2.0[3]

Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed. It differs from other build systems in two major respects: it is designed to have its input files generated by a higher-level build system, and it is designed to run builds as fast as possible.

In essence, Ninja is meant to replace Make, which is slow when performing incremental (or no-op) builds.[4] This can considerably slow down developers working on large projects, such as Google Chrome which compiles 40,000 input files into a single executable. In fact, Google Chrome is a main user and motivation for Ninja.[5] It’s also used to build Android,[6] and is used by most developers working on LLVM.[7]

In contrast to Make, Ninja lacks features such as string manipulation, as Ninja build files are not meant to be written by hand. Instead, a ‘build generator’ should be used to generate Ninja build files. Gyp, CMake, Meson, and gn[8] are popular build management software tools which support creating build files for Ninja.[9]


See also[edit]


  1. ^Martin, Evan. ‘Google Groups: ninja-build’. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
  2. ^’Releases — ninja-build/ninja’. Retrieved 16 Mar 2019.
  3. ^’COPYING’. Github. Retrieved 5 September 2019.
  4. ^Röthlisberger, David. ‘The Ninja build tool’. LWN. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
  5. ^’Ninja’. The Performance Of Open Source Applications. Retrieved 18 June 2017.
  6. ^’aosp mailing list’.
  7. ^’LLVM documentation’.
  8. ^’gn — Git at Google’.
  9. ^Kitware. ‘cmake Documentation’. Retrieved 18 June 2017.

External links[edit]

  • ninja on GitHub

Good Ninja Build Bdo For No Dmg 2

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